Saturday, June 26, 2010

Well, I woke up this morning to the annoying sound of a lawnmower across the 8 AM! The bright side: I got my lazy butt out of bed and had the grass mowed before 10. Why not join the mowing party, right?
Then, I went swimming. All of the kids and family were gone to Athfest today to see my cousin perform, so the pool was empty. It was so strange having the pool to myself. I enjoyed it, but it got boring real quick, so I just floated in an intertube and made waves for my self, which led to a horribly wrong tanline. I'm not exaggerating, it's pretty awful. Hopefully others of you got to go swimming as well; such a perfect day for it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Alright, I know it's been a long time. Well, here's what's been going on in my life.

I had a boyfriend...he dumped me over text, yes the infamous text, began dating his ex-girlfriend two days later, and then left for the army. Pretty much he's out of my life, but it's probably better that way.

I've recently discovered the best vegan smoothie ever made.
Frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, water, freshly squeezed orange juice, and carrots.

Although my recent boyfriend broke me down for a few days, crying, yelling why, the usual stuff, it turned out to be a good thing. I met the most amazing guy. He's a gentleman, he's sweet, considerate, kind, funny.....pretty much if you could think of the perfect man, it's him. Every time I talk to him I get all goofy and I have butterflies, it's that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, world series kind of stuff. :)

Pretty much the rest of my summer is booked--going to camps, beaches, and Texas. I'll try and stay more faithful, I promise.
Until next time.....

Monday, December 28, 2009

For Christmas I got 30 movies! Good grief. So, I'm going to try to watch every single one of these movies before the break is over. I've watched a good bit already. Now, most of these I've seen before, but I'm going to watch them again. Here's a list of all of them. When I watch them, I'll change the color to yellow. Not that anyone really cares, but here is my list. :)

-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
-Marley and Me
-Raising Helen
-The Ugly Truth
-Big Daddy
-Fantastic 4
-Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
-Veggie Tales: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
-Blank Check
-Man of the House (with Chevy Chase)
-Star Trek
-Sydney White
-Hannah Montana the Movie (Haha.)
-Julie ans Julia
-The Proposal
-The Polar Express
-The Hangover
-The Shawshank Redemption
-The Outsiders
-I Love You, Beth Cooper
-Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My tattoo time is coming up soon.
I thought I knew what I wanted, but I'm not sure.
Help me decide!
Or should I not even get one?
I've been pondering on this for a couple of years.

My plan was to have the outline of a heart of top of my right foot, and it would be about 4 inches across both way. The outline would be made up of the words"He Loves Us" in Greek.
But now, I'm also thinking of getting some words on my right shoulder/upper back in pretty cursive that would say:

-The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

-With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

-Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time.

-Crucified to set me free. Now I live to bring Him praise.

-Glory to God forever.

-My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart.

-One in himself, I cannot die.

-My life is hid with Christ on high, with Christ, my Savior and my God.

Which one?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I had my first Christmas celebration of many last night with some of my family.
I got some nice gifts. You know, one or two movies, and when I say that I mean a few, haha. I think once you get to a certain age, people just buy you movies because they know everyone likes movies. And I am certainly not complaining. I own over 400 movies and I've watched all of them multiple times, but I miss the days when gifts were personal. A homemade card from your 10 year old cousin, a cute picture of you and your family......
But, the bright side being I had a great time seeing my family. My goodness! My cousins are so old now; it's crazy. There's a 10 year old girl, a 7 year old boy, a 3 year old boy, a 2 year old boy, and a girl that's due in 5 days. I remember when the oldest's mom was pregnant with her, now she's a little me. It seriously is like watching myself years ago. All the kids want to hang out with her becuase she's the oldest and she just seems like the coolest person in the world with her blonde hair and braces! (Exactly like me!) Now, I'm just the grown-up who gives cool gifts, haha. I guess that's a better reputation than I could have.
Anyway, tomorrow I finally get to go home. I'm such a homebody I feel like people are beginning to wonder if I like them or not. :/ YES, I do like you, NO, I don't want to stay at your house very long, I like my own. Sorry. Then, after spending Christmas Eve with my aunts, uncle, and mom, I'm going to my cousins house for Christmas Day--They live in Colbert, so it's not too far. Finally, after all of this, I get to go to my favorite place in the entire world--Nashville, Tennessee. Love, love, love staying at my family's house there. (This is the one place I could stay forever and not miss home too terrible much.)
Oh, in case you wanted to know exactly what I got, I'll tell you, because I know you're very interested.
Here it is:
-The Hangover (Very funny, but I wish they would cut back on the f-word, goodness.)
-Shawshank Redemption (All time favorite movie, even though it's incredibly dark.)
-Polar Express (So cute. Very Christmasy.)
-The Proposal (One of the best romantic comedies in my book, right behind Never Been Kissed.)
-The Outsiders (Classic. You can't get much better than this movie.)
-A beautiful necklace with a huge turquoise stone.
-Green converse (I was needing a new pair.)
-David Archuleta's Christmas CD (Haha, I was shocked. But he DOES have a wonderful voice.)
Well, this is all I have for now. I think I'll go enjoy a cupcake from Charleston that's been staring me down since yesterday. (I'll post a picture of it soon. Yes, I am such a dork that I took a picture of a gorgeous cupcake.)
Au revoir. :)
And Merry CHRISTmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"It amazes me how many women are surprised when a man is willing to defend them. Does that speak to the quality of women nowadays or the men? If a woman is ever afraid while with her man, then he is a failure as a man."

I heard a guy say this today. All I can say is wow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I know, I know. I have a post every 5 minutes. But this is so very important. I have note-worthy pages. If you are EVER in this situation, then please, for goodness sake, open up your eyes! I've decided to give my response to some of these letters. Yes, me a girl which probably completely ruins the idea of the whole book, but think of me as you're best friend. This stuff needs to be said.
Page 41--The Time Traveler
Please, could you just read this again to yourself? If you had actually read what you wrote, you would be realizing that he obviously only wants the benefits. He doesn't care for you at all. I think when you pointed out that EVERYTIME you mention a "relationship" he runs. He's a runner. So I think it's about time that you put on your running shoes and get out!

Just pointing out that I skipped over the chapter entitled "He's just not that into you if he's not having sex with you." Okay, whatever. That chapter I have to say is dumb. Maybe he's not having sex with her because they're not ready meaning they believe in abstinence until after marriage! I certainly do.

Page 61- I've Gotten Fat
Who cares? If he truly loved you, then he wouldn't care! Appearance is certainly not everything. He should love you for your personality, your mind, your opinions, your little quirks, etc. Never blame yourself for something as small and shallow as that. So, I think you should find a deeper pool if he's shallow enough to only think about that.

Good advice: Don't date any man who doesn't know why he does things.

Page 63- At least he knew her
Oh my gosh! Are you joking? He knew her???? That makes it even worse. And then to top it off, he used to be married to her! The fact that someone who obviously knew he was seeing has no problem sleeping with him makes you wonder what kind of girls he hangs around (probably not the greatest ones). But just the fact he cheated! Ughhh. I'm going to have to keep the rest of my opinion to myself on this one, cheaters just make me so mad.

Page 72- At least he's not on drugs
I mean, thank goodness he isn't, but being drunk all the time isn't better! To be shallow for second, just imagine this: BEER BELLY. Yeah, he'll get one, I guarantee it. But seriously, if he only wants to see you when he's drunk, he's got tons of issues, don't keep analyzing it. Move on.

I give up on this. It's a lot harder than I thought.