Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If anyone was ever looking for a good, cheap concert, check the Masquerade website. Since the movies get expensive every week, then I thought I would look for something around the same cost, that is way more enjoyable. Because music basically makes up my life, I enjoy concerts. There is a concert coming really soon that sounds good. It's a band that I have never heard of, but they have toured with Forever the Sickest Kids, We the Kings, and many other big names. And the best part is, the concert is only $8!

Speaking of We the Kings, you should listen to their song "Skyway Avenue." It's such a great song.

Sorry that I haven't been very dedicated to this lately.
I was recently in a play and we just performed it this past week, so pretty much my social life ends now.

My latest entry of news is that school is almost over, which means summer time. Oh joy. If I'm lucky enough, I'll get to go to an eight week summer camp in the suburbs of New York, basically New Jersey. And if I'm unlucky, the only thing I will get to do is go to Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. But, I guess there could be a bright side, I have the possible opportunity of being able to intern at McClure Studios, which is a photography place, and I could have a job at the Grit.

Well, for now, my summer is unplanned, but it doesn't seem too promising. Only time will tell.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

You know those jerks who have no life, so they decide to make fun of others when they're the ones who need to be made fun of? To my total and complete dismay, I am about 5 feet from TWO of them. One of them thinks I'm stupid and insists on making fun of the way I look, and the other, well he's the wannabe sidekick. He's the one who follows the other around hopelessly devoted. Now, tell me if I'm wrong, but if there were anyone to mock, wouldn't it be the ones who are jerks to people for no reason? Well, this happens to be the only of example of people whom I LOATHE.
Let me tell you, I'm loathing, unadulterated loathing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I have a few thoughts on my mind.
The first, is that for some reason, I've been thinking about if I had the opportunity to be from another time period, then when would it be. I've decided that I would want to be from the 1970's-1980's. I really am not branching out here, I've barely changed times! But I think it's incredible how quickly the world has changed since then. Back then, I'm sure hardly anyone owned a computer, and those who did, were very wealthy. DVD's, they didn't exist. Tevo? Of course not. Life seems so much simplier then. Not to mention the great bands! I think it would be amazing to see some of these bansds live in their prime.

The second thought I've been having is how much of a dreamer I am. A dreamer in the sense that my view of reality is very off. My view of reality towards Mr. Right, is that I'll be serenaded by the song "My Guardian Angel" (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus) and then we'll live happily ever after. Haha, yeah right. I only wish that would happen; but if ever someone did that, I think we would live happily ever after.--- Maybe not happy, how about merrily. Because the word HAPPY is way too over rated.

Until next time.

April Fool's Day.
This holiday has also been called the "Atheist" Holiday.
The reasoning of that is because it's said that an Atheist walked into the court room and approached the judge saying they needed to have a chat. Well, the Atheist proceeded to tell the judge that he didn't think it was fair that Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. all have holidays and Atheists don't. So the judge decreed that April 1st be an Atheist holiday and that it shall be known as April Fool's Day.
(This story is not meant to offend, if you are Atheist, read this with a sense of humor. I will say that I myself did NOT in anyway write or make up this story.)